See all that we have to offer. You're sure to find the collection that is just right for you! Single and multi-visit packages are listed just below. Keep reading!
Ultrasound Package Details: Feel free to call or message about special appointment time slots to meet your scheduling needs at no extra charge. Any social media specials will be discounted at the register at time of check out, and are not reflected here. Standard pricing shown. A $25 non-refundable deposit is electronically collected at the time of booking to dissuade no-shows.
All images uploaded to BabyFlix for your digital/social use at no additional cost.
to help you feel better before 10 weeks $35
+ Great time to come: 6-9 weeks
+ Approximate 5 minute ultrasound
+ Perfect for pregnancy announcement or to just ease your mind
+ Includes a black and white printed images strip
+ Enjoy seeing your baby’s heartbeat.
+ All images sent to Babyflix
+ Cannot be used for gender verification
+ Does NOT include any 3D/4D
heartbeat recording only + a keepsake animal $45
+ Approximate 5 minute 2D sonogram to obtain heartbeat sound recording
+ Best time to have: anytime 13 weeks and after
+ Includes a black and white printed images strip
+ Enjoy hearing your baby's heartbeat
+ All images sent to Babyflix
+ Cannot be used for gender verfication
+ Does not include any 3D/4D
precious first looks $65
+ Best time to have: 9-14 weeks
+ Approximate 15 minute 2D sonogram
+ Does NOT include 3D/4D
+ Includes a black & white printed images strip
+ Enjoy seeing and/or hearing your baby's heartbeat
+ ALL images sent to BabyFlix
+ Cannot be used for gender verification
2D + a glimpse in 3D $85
+ Approximate 10-15 minute 2D sonogram
+ One or two "quick looks" 3D included (HD digital images are uploaded to BabyFlix)
+ Best time to have: 13-34 weeks
+ Includes a black & white images strip + two color printed images
+ Enjoy hearing your baby's heartbeat
+ ALL images sent to BabyFlix
+ Cannot be used for gender verification
2D + a glimpse in 3D + gender $105
+ Best time to have: 14-30 weeks
+ Approximate 15 minute 2D sonogram
+ One "quick look" 3D included (one HD digital image uploaded to BabyFlix)
+ Gender verification attempt at 14+ weeks
+ Includes a black & white printed images strip
+ Enjoy hearing your baby's heartbeat
+ ALL images sent to BabyFlix
HD (3D/4D) imaging $125
+ Approximate 30 minute 2D/3D/4D sonogram (4D is 3D in motion)
+ Best time to have: 28-32 weeks, call to discuss variables
+ Also fun at 16-26 weeks!
+ Includes a black & white printed images strip + 3-5 color printed images
+ Enjoy hearing your baby's heartbeat
+ ALL images sent to BabyFlix
+ Coupon for a FREE 15-minute diastasis rectus abdominus screening with Dr. Hailey Jackson
2D + a glimpse in 3D + heartbeat stuffed animal $115
+ Best time to have: 14-40 weeks
+ Approximate 15 minute 2D sonogram
+ One "quick look" 3D included (one HD digital image uploaded to BabyFlix)
+ Gender verification attempt at 14+ weeks
+ Heartbeat animal of your choice
+ Recorded sound for heartbeat animal
+ Includes a black & white printed images strip
+ Enjoy hearing your baby's heartbeat
+ ALL images sent to BabyFlix
+ Add 3D/HD imaging for $30, best before 36 weeks
live streaming/keepsake video $155
+ Approximate 30 minute 2D/3D/4D sonogram (4D is 3D in motion)
+ Best time to have: 28-32 weeks, also fun at 12-26 weeks!
+ Includes a black & white printed images strip + 3-5 color printed images
+ Enjoy hearing your baby's heartbeat
+ ALL images sent to BabyFlix
+ Video from your session sent to BabyFlix
+ Optional LIVE streaming of session (great for family out of town) so that others can watch from a remote location at the same time you're having your scan
SECOND COMING - 3D+ x2 visits
two HD sessions $205
each visit includes
+ Approximate 20-30 minute 2D/3D/4D sonogram
+ Best time to have: 14+ weeks, then again at 27-32 weeks
+ Includes a black & white strip + 3-5 color printed images
+ Enjoy hearing your baby's heartbeat
​+ This is a digital-only package with all images sent to BabyFlix
+ Add on any prints in color for a discounted $2 each
a special situation $0
Do you have a terminal pregnancy, or are you contemplating abortion? Inspired by a special client, we are offering to you The Sunni -- named for the inspirer. Do not suffer when you do not have to. Each pregnancy is special, individual, and worth the memories. Please allow us to provide you with the unique opportunity to consider the tiny human inside you. We will meet with you in whatever circumstances you are going through with patience, gentleness, and love, and at no cost to you.
THE TRINITY - 3D+ x3 visits
three HD sessions $255
each visit includes (unless noted as first visit only)
+ Approximate 20-30 minute 2D/3D/4D sonogram
+ Best time to have: 14-19 weeks, again at 20-26 weeks, then again at 27-32 weeks
+ Includes black & white strip + 3-5 color printed images
+ Enjoy hearing your baby's heartbeat
+ This is a digital-only package with all images sent to BabyFlix
+ Add on any prints in color for a discounted $2 each
+ Motion video sent to BabyFlix
+ Heartbeat animal of your choice at first visit
+ Recorded sound module for heartbeat animal at first visit
prices vary
+ Additional heartbeat sound modules $10
+ LIVE streaming session $30
+ Heartbeat stuffed animal and recording $39
+ Additional color image printing beyond package inclusions $3 each
+ Gift certificates in any amount of your choosing
+ Sneak Peek gender test (2-3 days TAT) $129
+ Sneak Peek gender test (fast track/overnight) $149
(must be done before 2:00pm week days)
purchase one for an expectant or new parent by clicking here:
all prices subject to change